National Council of Churches of Singapore
Official Statement
Escalating Conflict in Gaza
A Statement Prepared by the National Council of Churches of Singapore
16 January 2009
The National Council of Churches of Singapore wishes to express its deep concern over the escalating conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza. We are deeply saddened by the continuing loss of lives and the suffering inflicted on innocent peoples living in the region.
The use of force and other violent means will not resolve the issues of dispute. It will instead breed more hatred and hostility. We, therefore, call for an immediate ceasefire and urge the parties involved in the conflict to resolve their differences through peaceful channels.
We call the Christian community to unite in prayer asking God to help the political leadership on both sides to find an acceptable and non-violent way to quickly end the current conflict and to work for long-term peace in the region. We pray that the wounded would be aided and healed, and those in pain and grief comforted.
General Secretary
About the National Council of Churches of Singapore
National Council of Churches of Singapore is a body bringing together the major Christian denominations and churches in Singapore. Its membership includes the Anglican Diocese of Singapore, Assemblies of God of Singapore, Lutheran Church in Singapore, Methodist Church in Singapore, Presbyterian Church in Singapore, The Salvation Army, Mar Thomas Syrian Church, St Thomas Orthodox Syrian Cathedral, Church of Singapore, Evangelical Free Church, and many other independent churches and Christian organisations.