President – Bishop Lu Guan Hoe
In 2021, The Right Rev Lu Guan Hoe succeeded Bishop Terry Kee as the third bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore.
He was ordained in 1992 and served as Pastor-in-charge of several Lutheran congregations for the last 30 years. He actively serves in the Four Denominations Chinese Work Executive Council for more than ten years, bringing together Chinese Christians to fulfil the Great Commission.
He is an alumnus of Trinity Theological College and Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong. He is married to Grace, and they have two daughters.

Vice-President – Bishop Philip Lim
Bishop Lim was elected Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) on 6 December 2024 to serve in the 13th Quadrennium (2025 to 2028). He oversees 46 Methodist churches, provides counsel to 15 Methodist schools as well as the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) and Methodist Missions Society (MMS). He is also the Presiding Bishop for the Methodist churches in Cambodia, Nepal and Thailand.
Previously, he served as a missionary in Cambodia under the MMS, and as Executive Director of MMS from 2012 to 2018. While in Cambodia, he oversaw the growth of the church, as well as community development programmes such as the Methodist School of Cambodia and Community Outreach Services Immanuel. Bishop Lim has pastored churches in the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC), most recently as Pastor-in-Charge of Kum Yan Methodist Church, and chaired CAC’s Board on the Ministry prior to his election as head of the Methodist Church. Bishop Lim is an alumnus of Trinity Theological College

Vice-President – Rt Rev Dr Christopher Chia
Rev Dr Christopher Chia is married to Mona and blessed with two children and two grandchildren. He worked in journalism before being called to pastoral ministry. He graduated with a B.Commerce before studying at Moore Theological College, and later did his masters at Oxford and D.Ministry in Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological College.
He began by pastoring both Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church (his founding church) and Adam Road Presbyterian Church concurrently from 1991-1998. He is senior minister of ARPC, where he has been pastoring for 33 years. He was interim moderator of Living Praise Presbyterian Church in two stints, when they did not have a senior pastor.
He has been adjunct lecturer at Singapore Bible College as well as guest lecturer at Trinity Theological College and overseas in Homiletics and Ecclesiology. God has graciously given him an international ministry. His passion is being “a pastor to pastors”, “raising the Next Generation” and “Godly marriages & families”. He is also currently Synod Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore.
Rev Chia came to know Jesus as his personal Lord during a Billy Graham Crusade while he was studying in Sydney, Australia. He loves nature, dogs, music, movies, solitude, and his wife. But not in that order.

Vice-President – Archbishop Dr Chung Khiam Boon, Titus
The Rt Rev Dr Titus Chung graduated from Trinity Theological College in 1995 and was ordained in the Anglican Diocese of Singapore in 1997. He served in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit and was later appointed as vicar, where he also held the position of chaplain to St Andrew’s Secondary School.
In 2008, he obtained his Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh and returned to serve as Priest-in-Charge of St Andrew’s Cathedral Mandarin Congregation. In 2020, he was appointed as the tenth Bishop of Singapore and continues to serve as a guest lecturer at Trinity Theological College.

General Secretary – Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian
An Ordained Elder of the Trinity Annual Conference of The Methodist Church in Singapore, Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian was Pastor-in-Charge of several Methodist churches between 1973 and 2000.
In 2001, he was appointed principal of Trinity Theological College where he served for nearly 20 years until retirement. Rev Ngoei assumed the position of General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Singapore since February 2015.
He was also previously Board Chairman of The Association for Theological Education in Southeast Asia (ATESEA) which presides over the accreditation, and professional development of seminaries in the region. Rev Ngoei is an alumnus of Trinity Theological College and Boston University School of Theology.

Honorary Treasurer – Elder Kevin Lee
Elder Kevin Lee is a seasoned business & strategic management leader who is known for his versatility in transforming and growing commercial enterprises and non-profit institutions over the past two decades, where he had stewarded in areas of Strategy & Transformation, Finance & Corporate Governance, Audit & Risks Management, Investment & Treasury, Corporate Development & Market Growth, Fund-Raising, Organisation Development & Human Capital Management.
He is a member with the Singapore Institute of Directors and is a firm advocate in giving back to our church and community, having been appointed to serve as Board Director and Committee Chairmanship, notably in New Hope Community Services, St. Francis Methodist School, Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Schools, and formally as Chief Executive Officer for Asian Women’s Welfare Association, and Audit Committee Chairman for Trinity Theological College. He is also serving as Session Elder at Adam Road Presbyterian Church.

Chairman/Investment Committee – Mr Daniel Chan
Mr Daniel Chan has over 35 years of investment management experience having served as Chief Investment Officer at UOB Asset Management (UOBAM) and Lion Global Investors.
Daniel holds a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from the National University of Singapore. He is a member of the SAVERS Board of Trustees. From 2000 to 2004, Daniel served as Chairman of Investment Management Association of Singapore. In 2009, he was conferred the “Distinguished Financial Industry Certified Professional” award by the Institute of Banking and Finance.
Daniel has also served as Finance Chairman/Treasurer of NCCS and is also the current Chairman of the Investment Committee of Singapore Bible College.

Member – Colonel Hary Haran
Prior to Colonel Hary Haran being commissioned as an officer of The Salvation Army in November 2004, he served in the Republic of Singapore Airforce for 16 years. Since he began his full time officership in The Salvation Army, he has served as Corps Officer, Chaplain in Children’s Home, Territorial Youth & Candidate Ministries, Territorial Secretary for Programme, Territorial Secretary for Personnel and for the last two years from 2020 to 2022 as the Chief Secretary for the territory.
Colonel Hary Haran, a single officer with numerous responsibilities, is no stranger to pain, stress or suffering himself but consistently demonstrates grace under pressure. His trenchant observations on the pains and aspirations of human life make him a compassionate, wise counsellor to many who have approached him over the years in the Lord’s ministry.
His primary passions include connecting the Word of God to the struggles of daily life, and the promotion of the discipline of spiritual friendship in the society.

Member – Rev Tony Yeo
Rev Tony Yeo is the current Chairman of Evangelical Free Church of Singapore (EFCS). He is also the Senior Pastor of Covenant Evangelical Free Church since 2012. His passion for leadership development through disciplemaking and mentoring is witnessed in the 32 years of his faithful leadership in the church.
Pastor Tony served as the Executive Secretary of the Global Day of Prayer in Singapore since 2008, which culminated at the Jubilee Day of Prayer in 2015. He also served as the Executive Secretary of the Celebration of Hope in 2019.
He is an alumnus of Singapore Bible College and Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. In 2012, he authored the book “Leading Beyond the Second Chair – A Certain Kind of Leadership”. He is married to Choy Mei. They have two sons, Noah and Timothy who is married to Elle.

Associate General Secretary – Rev Edwin Tan Weng Keong
Rev Edwin Tan is currently serving as the Vicar of St Andrew’s City Church. His passion is to shepherd the parishioners and others on this slow but exciting journey of spiritual transformation.
He is an alumnus of Trinity Theological College and is currently pursuing his doctoral studies in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care from Biola University. He is a member of the Board of Governors of Trinity Theological College. He also serves as a Management Committee Member of Singapore Anglican Community Services and a Board Member in the Diocese of Singapore Centenary Trust Fund.